What's the difference between Baselayr Complete and Cryocoat emulsion?Updated 3 years ago
Baselayr Complete and Cryocoat. They sound similar. They look alike. They seem to match in performance. Are they the same? Are they different?
The two are similar, but they have their differences. Think of Baselayr Complete as Cryocoat 2.0. Complete has enhanced everything that Cryocoat can do. Complete exposes quicker, rinses details out better, and reclaims easier. Thanks to its high solids concentration, the emulsion bridges mesh great. You’ll get a higher quality stencil with Baselayr Complete.
One cool feature of Baselayr Complete Emulsion is the option to add diazo. Printers who need more details, greater resolution, or enhanced stencil durability will want to add diazo. Be aware that adding diazo will triple exposure times. The longer exposure will strengthen the stencil. While it was possible to add diazo to Cryocoat, there wasn’t a specific product designed to work with it. With Baselayr Complete, you can make it happen with Baselayr Complete Diazo.
Cryocoat was a solid emulsion. It performed well for thousands of printers. Now, printers can experience even greater quality with Baselayr Complete Emulsion.