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What's the difference between thin thread and standard thread?Updated 3 years ago

Independent of mesh manufacturers, there are two main types of mesh in use today: thin thread and standard thread.

Standard mesh or also known as Hi-Tex, is the most common type of thread. Compared to thin thread, standard mesh is thicker. The threads can hold high tension levels and are more resistant to tearing and popping while on the press, compared to thin thread meshes.

Thin Thread has wider dimensional openings allow water-based inks to flow through easily. Although Thin Thread mesh has been on the market for decades, it wasn't until high solids acrylic water-based ink became so prominent that it grabbed a larger footprint in the US market. Printers experience less screen clogging compared to standard mesh. Thin thread mesh lets you maintain and print higher levels of detail. Emulsion and ink are not restrained since the threads take up less space. Thin Thread is more delicate and takes extra care when handling, but creates a superior ink deposit with both water-based and plastisol inks. Once your shop personnel have adjusted to handling it, it's very easy to run a full production shop with it.

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